Like modified motor? Motor modifications that either was not merely an extreme in theconstruction, but should also have an attractive design, easy to drive and stillcomfortable for daily use. Tip is expressed by the product design experts fromBandung Institute of Technology, Amir Nevo, in a press conference Festrack U Mild UBikers series at Blitz Megaplex Jakarta, Indonesia-Kempinski Hotel, Thursday (1 / 10).
According to holders of master's degree in industrial design, the motor can modifyand deserved to win as the best if the concepts and the extreme rubahan able to make these motorcycles comfortable ride for daily activities.
According to holders of master's degree in industrial design, the motor can modifyand deserved to win as the best if the concepts and the extreme rubahan able to make these motorcycles comfortable ride for daily activities.
"Especially when the results of Modifiedit is the the work of the original and not the result of the cheat ,that'swho deserved to win ,"he concluded .
Therefore, any modification contest held in Indonesia must have a regulation that refers to it.
"The purpose of this is very positive for all the modifications we will not just cheating, but also must be original," said Brand Manager Achmad U Mild U Nasyiruddin thatthe organizer of mild modification contest.
Therefore, to stimulate the creativity of the modifiers Indonesiaachmad also held a contest with prizes modif dozen million in 7 classessuch as U Bikers Trend, U Blink Bikers, Bikers Realist U, U Bikers Graphics, StickersBikers U, U X-treme bikers and U Style.
The visitors also can choose the one best modifier from each city to then pitted toelect a modifier to then also be taken to Bangkok. (source: oto.detik.com)