Modified Yamaha Byson 2010 (Probolinggo - Indonesia)

Like the guy, it was cute Byson from birth. Just a little touch, looks certain to be made klepek Byson, klepek... Please see the touch of minimalism that made LentAutomidified (LA) from Probolinggo, East Java Indonesia.
Byson success so appear more oks. "his destruction deliberately minimalist. Because, basically already have a seat already cool. Once again, quite a fewmore parts that must be emphasized. Yes, that really impressed Byson sangar likeanimal called itself," said Adhi Wicaksono, skipper LA.
The first target tank. The system is very easy standard condoms. Made the cover ofthe tank as desired. "It's just imitate the position holder and the bolt holes fit on the cover of the standard tank.
Next think about the form design. And the new tank cover was intentionally dimensionside a little dikembungkan each be larger approximately 2.5 cm to the right and left, "beber brother lives in Jl. Raya Soekarno-Hatta No. 93, Probolinggo Indonesia.
Swing arm also received a touch. Simply use the condom so it looks more sturdy. Ohyes, this body kit series also seems to have ready for the market. Prices and all that stuff, still do not know. His name is also new intention!
It must be added sip if seats are also subject to the touch. How, instead of coatingcolor harmony of the various color options offered MBTech. (