How to prevent a car engine overheat

Have there car broke down the street because your car engine overheat overheatedalias? sucks right? Well, I'll try to explain why our car engine could overheat. Because,it can be prevented only by routine examination.

System internal combustion engine work with hot condition, results of burning gasolinein the combustion chamber to produce heat that will produce mechanical energy todrive the piston and rotate cruck as (crank shaft) which are distributed to the wheels.

The more heat engine, the more efficiently it works, but the heat is limited by the heatresistance of the piston and head are usually made ​​of aluminum or cast iron dai.

Most machines today are designed to work optimally at temperatures of about 195normal work-2200F, ideal hot conditions that will generate maximum performance andfuel consumption ideal.

   1. Due to Overheat

As experienced engine overheating, the first thing that happens is the engine feelsngelitik or coughing, and started to lose power this is caused by a combination of heatand pressure of the engine room that exceeds our fuel octane. The combination ofearlier can cause severe damage to the pistons, piston rings, and rod bearings.Additionally, excess heat and pressure to bend the head, especially those made ​​ofaluminum.

    2. Overheat Causes

  • Fill in the radiator less
  • Leaks in the radiator and radiator hoses
  • Water jacket (cooling water channel in the machine) filled with dirt.
  • Conditions that do not open the thermostat cap maximum.
  • Water pump does not work optimally.
  • Close the radiator is already bad.
  • Extra Fan Death.

What should be in check

1. Thermostat

The working principle is to drain the water thermostat at an ideal temperature, 80-90C.So he will open and drain the water so to circulate coolant from the engine to theradiator so the engine temperature is maintained optimal.

How to check:

Boil the thermostat until the temperature reaches 80-90C, when open, normal means,when opened partially, or not open at all, please replace with new.

2. Thermoswitch

Usually installed diradiator, these sensors will work at 80-900C, and will turn on an extra fan to cool the radiator.

How to Check:

Boil the water temperature reaches 80-900C, Measure it with a multimeter resistanceresulting figure should be 0 (zero) which means that work well.

3. Extra Fan

Check whether the extra fan works well, if necessary replace the fans with extra bladesmore weeks to get a better cooling effect

4. Radiator Cap

Check that the radiator cap is still in good condition, because the pressure is reduceddue to a bad radiator cap would reduce the boiling point of water cooling.

5. Water Pump

Water pump work to get Circulate water from the engine to the radiator, usually the blades on the water pump gradually eroded, until his work was not optimal.

6. Radiator

Radiator grille made ​​of aluminum serves as a coolant, make sure that the radiator is not clogged, the radiator can be brought into service for the scraped / cleaned.

7. Water Jacket

Water Jacket is a water channel in a machine befungsi to drain the water that will coolthe engine, Use a radiator flush to remove scale which accumulates in the water jacket.


  • Combine water with radiator coolant, can be a maximum of 50/50 or 70/30 mix.
  • Note the sign lights overheat.
  • Stop the vehicle, parking until normal conditions return
  • Do not force run the vehicle if the lights lit Overheat
  • Never remove the thermostat.
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